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Health Care Price Transparency Initiative: Our Response

Health care costs are rising and the American public knows it. As healthcare costs increase, so does the shift towards higher deductible health plans. Here’s the effect. Patients pay more out-of-pocket and now more than ever want to know how much their health care is going to cost.

In response, a bipartisan group of Senators, led by Senator Bill Cassidy, has launched a Health Care Price Transparency Initiative and asked health care stakeholders to weigh-in on what’s occurring in cost transparency and quality reporting.  Its asking about the current barriers, and the methods states are using to overcome them.

Freedman HealthCare, a national leader in all-payer claims databases (APCDs), shared insights around: the value of APCDs, the work of state innovators, types of information patients seek, and strategies to maximize the opportunity of APCDs. You can read the full FHC letter here and over the next few days we’ll offer some additional insights into our ideas for the Initiative.

Stay tuned!

Read post two on Expanding Data Sources for APCDs.

Read post three on Data Sharing Limitations for APCDs.

Read post four on Challenges Securing Resources for APCDs.

Read post five on Approaches to Publicize Price and Quality Transparency Websites.

Continuing Medical Education Program Helps Physicians Communicate with Patients about Care Appropriateness and Variation in Cost
Expanding Data Sources Available to APCDs: What Congress Can Do