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Common Codes for COVID-19 Analyses

Principal Consultant, Freedman HealthCare, LLC

Mary Jo Condon, MPPA, sees information and collaboration as the foundation for improving our nation’s healthcare system. While at Freedman HealthCare, Ms. Condon has led consulting engagements on complex, data driven health care policy projects requiring extensive stakeholder engagement, communications strategies, analytic methodologies and clear, concise presentation of cost and quality outputs.

Below you will find a list of codes commonly used to support analyses related to COVID-19. Codes in bold type were recently developed specifically for this purpose.



*The CDC recommends using U07.1 and using the additional B97.29 code only for confirmed cases of COVID-19. Suspected, possible or probable cases of COVID-19 are to be reported only with codes explaining the reason for the encounter. Given this guidance and limited testing capacity, analysts should review care related to the diagnosis codes below with and without the B97.29 code to better understand care potentially related to COVID-19.

Updated September 16, 2020

CPT Codes Released to Track COVID-19 Antibody Testing
Using APCD Data to Identify Populations at High Risk for Severe COVID-19 Outcomes