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New Additions to COVID-Specific Codes

President, Freedman HealthCare, LLC

John, principal of Freedman HealthCare LLC, has 25 years of experience in performance measurement & improvement, health IT, care delivery, and health care reform. At FHC he has helped many states create all-payer claims databases, implement health insurance exchanges, and support health care transformation.

First New Codes for COVID-19 Vaccines have been Issued

The AMA has announced nine new codes for COVID vaccination – 3 for the vaccines themselves and 6 for administering them to a patient. The codes are unique to each manufacturer of the vaccine:


The highly granular codes should allow detailed tracking of vaccination efforts and use of each vaccine. These are in addition to earlier COVID codes for diagnosis, treatment, and testing

Health Claims Data Helps States Pinpoint Citizens at Risk for COVID
FHC Principal Consultant, Tanya Bernstein, Elected to NAHDO Board of Directors