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Leading an APCD

CMS Revises Meaningful Use

The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) recently announced changes to its “Meaningful Use” program, an initiative started in 2009 with the passage of the HITECH Act. This legislation originally aimed at increasing the adoption of electronic medical records (EHR) by providing nearly $36 billion worth of incentives to providers across the U.S. As...Read more

Purchasers and Employers are Joining the Trend: Aligning Provider and Consumer Incentives Pays Off

The Maine Health Management Coalition, a long-time, successful business coalition focused on healthcare cost and quality transparency, recently changed its name to the Healthcare Purchaser Alliance of Maine. The re-branded organization will provide a collective voice and buying power for purchasers to lower costs and drive better outcomes. Their transition reflects a growing trend in...Read more

Continuing Medical Education Program Helps Physicians Communicate with Patients about Care Appropriateness and Variation in Cost

The Maryland Health Care Commission (MHCC), the independent regulatory agency nationally-recognized for its work to advance cost transparency, had a solution to address high spending on MRIs for low back pain. Trouble was, it was a solution for the wrong problem. MHCC proposed generating cost comparison data on MRIs facility fees, but physicians quickly pointed...Read more