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Analytics and Reporting

Advancing Greater Awareness of Price Transparency Tools and Information: What Congress Can Do

The Senate’s Health Care Transparency Initiative recently asked stakeholders for feedback. As part of Freedman HealthCare’s response outlining recommendations to maximize the opportunity of APCDs, this post focuses on the most effective methods to connect consumers with this data. Current Approaches to Publicize Price and Quality Transparency Websites: Launch events Ongoing social media postings Press...Read more

Resources Are a Consistent Challenge APCDs Face: What Congress Can Do

The Senate’s recently asked stakeholders for feedback. This is the fourth in a brief series of posts sharing Freedman HealthCare’s recommendations to maximize the opportunity of APCDs and alleviate barriers to the broad sharing of actionable health care data. This post focuses on how Congress could support APCDs in securing necessary resources. FHC works closely...Read more

APCDs Experience Limitations When Sharing Data: What Congress Can Do

The Senate’s Health Care Transparency Initiative recently asked stakeholders for feedback. This is the third in a brief series of posts sharing Freedman HealthCare’s recommendations to maximize the opportunity of APCDs and alleviate barriers to the broad sharing of actionable health care data. This post focuses on how Congress could support broader data sharing by...Read more

Expanding Data Sources Available to APCDs: What Congress Can Do

The Senate’s Health Care Transparency Initiative recently asked stakeholders for feedback. In a brief series of posts, I’ll be sharing Freedman HealthCare’s recommendations to the group, which focused on strategies to maximize the opportunity of APCDs and alleviate barriers to the broad sharing of actionable health care data. Our first series of recommendations addresses expanding...Read more