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Gym Benefits and Hearing Aid Discounts: New Codes for APCDs

Are you interested in collecting supplemental benefit information provided by payer health and wellness programs such as gym memberships and over-the-counter drugs, and discounts on eyeglasses and hearing aids in your All-Payer Claims Database (APCD)? Take advantage of CMS’s new guidance and technical documentation for reporting supplemental benefits. Medicare Advantage Organizations (MAO) have been reporting...Read more

Make Sense of Your Data for Cost and Utilization Analysis

Health policy managers need to understand how to transform claims data into information for various audiences. Using widely accepted categories and groupings, analysts can spotlight opportunities to reduce healthcare spending and rates of growth using language that a broad audience can understand. The Problem Roughly half of states use an All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) to...Read more

FHC Develops CHCF Report on Investment in Primary Care Detailing Strategy for California

The California Health Care Foundation recently engaged Freedman HealthCare to develop a technical report on primary care investment data collection, reporting, and enforcement mechanisms. CHCF seeks to inform California stakeholders about national strategies to measure primary care investment in conjunction with accountability tactics to increase the proportion of the health care dollar directed toward primary...Read more

KC Health Collaborative: Bringing the KC Community Together to Address Social Drivers of Health

FHC knows that health system transformation starts with bringing stakeholders together to identify shared priorities and work towards measuring progress, while also using data to inform these conversations. FHC is pleased to support KCHC in its development of a Community Information Exchange and Health Equity Learning and Action Network. ___________________________________________________________________   Like many regions across...Read more

State All Payer Claims Database Advisory Committee Reflections Part II: Achieving the Vision of Improving APCDs as a Tool in Healthcare Cost Reform Efforts

This is Part II of a comprehensive review of the history, work, and recommendations of the State All-Payer Claims Database Advisory Committee (SAPCDAC ) and its efforts to expand the use and efficiency of APCD data. Part I lays out the history of APCDs and Part II focuses on the work of the committee.  ...Read more

About the APCD Journal

The world of health care data moves quickly.

APCD Journal shares timely and meaningful news on APCDs, and related topics of interest including technology, security, analytics, reporting and regulation.

Powered by the expert consultants of Freedman HealthCare, APCD Journal sifts through the content and distills the insights.  It quickly connects readers with the knowledge they need to keep their organizations ahead of the trends and drive change.

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